Choose the plan that's right for your business



The essential local marketing service that boosts your online rankings

Custom Pricing

Billed per location

Toppi local marketing expert
Complete Google & Apple profile optimization
Profile creation, verification & management on Google, Apple, Bing + 20 More
Authority building
Keyword optimization
Content creation & management (Google posts)
Ongoing analysis & monthly reporting


The complete local marketing service that boosts your online rankings & reputation

Custom Pricing

Billed per location

Includes everything in Essential and:
Complete review management
Review widget for your website
QR-codes + marketing materials to generate reviews on-site

Why businesses that care for online reviews do so much better:
More reviews result in higher rankings
87% of consumers rely on online reviews in the decision making process
88% of consumers consider online reviews as trustworthy as personal recommendations
73% of consumers would not consider a local business with an average rating of less than 4 stars

Enterprise Platform

The all-in-one local marketing platform to optimize & manage all your locations on Google

Custom pricing

Billed per location

Toppi customer success manager
Google Business Profiles dashboard
Bulk post creation & scheduling
AI-Powered reputation management
A/B Testing
Keyword tracker & insights
Advanced analytics & reporting

Or make use of our full-stack profile management services, which includes:
Everything in Toppi Essential or Complete
Acces to our all-in-one local marketing platform
Quarterly performance check-ins